RE: [ba-unrev-talk] Doug Quotes
Doug's 33 collected papers are listed and . available via link: (01) (02)
There are a remaining 6 available in a bound collection, listed at the
end of that list. (03)
More recent speeches by Doug during his April visit to Singapore can be
found at: (04)
April 27, 2002
Improving our ability to improve:
A call for investment in a new future (05)
Keynote address, World Library Summit, April 23 - 26, 2002, Singapore (06)
April 23 2002
Thoughts on Innovation
Speech at a gala for recipients of Singapore's National Infocomm awards
by Dr. Douglas C. Engelbart (07)
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of blincoln
Sent: Sunday, September 15, 2002 3:48 PM
Subject: [ba-unrev-talk] Doug Quotes (08)
I was writing an article recently about data management issues
and was looking for some good Englebartian quotes and in a
not-terribly-exhaustive search didn't find any good collection
or start page. (09)
I used to know where (navigational memory only, not names of
articles) on the old bootstrap site there were a couple, but does
anyone have any suggestions for places to look or just any
quotes from Doug about KM, ontologies, interfaces, augmentation,
etc. they want to send to the list ? (010)
bcl (011)