Re: [ba-unrev-talk] GPL and Fle3
Teemu, (01)
If the GPL fits your purpose, you might consider the AGPL. There is a
potential bug in the GPL for web services. You can read an article on
the problem at
. (02)
The AGPL *is* the GPL but contains a provision specifically for web
services which might support your goals. If the developer creates a
download source funtion, the provision requires that derivatives
include that functionality. It ensures that future service providers
that use your software keep it open. The license has been endorsed by
the Free Software Foundation and *should* be compatible with v3 of the
GPL. You can see the license at (03)
-Henri (04)
On Mon, 23 Sep 2002 15:57:11 +0300
"Teemu Leinonen" <> wrote: (05)
> Hello,
> One more time about the GNU General Public Licence (GPL) and the
> Fle3 software ( released under the GPL.
> After discussing with several developers here and there we came up
> to the conclusion that actually the GPL fits very well to the aims
> of the Fle3 project. The Fle3 is made with tax payers money, in a
> public research institution, as a part of a research on computer
> supported collaborative learning (CSCL). We hope that the Fle3
> software and other results of the research will benefit public
> schools and universities.
> The idea of the Fle3 is to be open for development that will benefit
> the whole developer and user community. GPL guarantees this. For
> this reason the GPL fits better to our aims than the LGPL (or any
> other "less" general public licence). We understand that in some
> other situation the LGPL would be more appropriate.
> Best regards,
> - Teemu
> ________________________
> Teemu Leinonen
> Office: + 358 9 756 30 296
> GSM: +358 50 351 6796
> Media Lab, UIAH Helsinki
> Future Learning Environment 3
> (06)
-- (07)
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