[ba-unrev-talk] Granular Addressability in TEXT documents - ON THE FLY!
DISCLAIMER: I submitted a very similar "solution" several weeks ago to the
ba-unrev-talk mail list. (01)
At the time of the submittal I asked if anyone was aware of similar
"solutions". No one replied in the affirmative and the solution got good
reviews from those who responded. Responses from two well respected
participants of the mail list (Eric Armstrong and Eugene Eric Kim, both very
familiar with this subject) were particularly enthusiastic. (02)
Because of this, I have been led to believe that this is potentially very
important to the resolution of the subject issue. As such I am submitting
this new but anticipated twist (suggested by "Peter Jones"
<ppj@concept67.fsnet.co.uk>) for your consideration and opinion. (03)
Please excuse my ignorance if you find it to be trivial. (04)
---- message start ---- (05)
Ted Nelson says: "The most important thing is to re-introduce the concept
of deep quotability to hypertext":
and he implores: "Markup must not be embedded":
(http://mas.homelinux.net/~matsch/pstxt.php?theurl=http://ted.hyperland.com/buyin.txt#purp36) (06)
This solution addresses both of those issues and in so doing unlocks millions
of text documents making it possible to HYPERLINK TO ANY LINE OF ANY DOCUMENT. (07)
Point this form at a text file (http or ftp accessible):
http://mas.homelinux.net/~matsch/pstxt.php (08)
Here's a sample if you don't have a text file handy (thanks to Peter Jones):
http://mas.homelinux.net/~matsch/pstxt.php?theurl=http%3A%2F%2Flpf.ai.mit.edu%2FPatents%2Fknuth-to-pto.txt (09)
For fun, here's a deep link to Walt Whitman's "A Noiseless Patient Spider",
compliments of Project Gutenberg (big file, 4MB or so, may take a minute):
http://mas.homelinux.net/~matsch/pstxt.php?theurl=http://www.ibiblio.org/gutenberg/etext98/lvgrs10.txt#purp43560 (010)
Please point out previous similar solutions if you are aware of them. (011)
Best regards, (012)
Matthew A. Schneider (013)