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Re: Fwd: Re: [ba-unrev-talk] War protests

On Sat, 22 Mar 2003, Teemu Leinonen wrote:    (01)

if you allow, a quick remark from a Finnish point of view as we seem to be
several here:    (02)

> much to do with religion. The crusades where brutal operations carried
> out long ways from home to depose rulers of these foreign countries.    (03)

right.    (04)

> fear, economy, power politics, setting down different political and
> economical system to the conquered country. In crusades these reasons    (05)

i am not a historian (ianah?-o)    (06)

but wasn't Finland conquered similarly by the Swedes in three (relatively
small scale compared to what happened in Southern-Europe, of course)
crusades, lead by Catholic bishops, some time around years 1000-1300?    (07)

the Finns ought to turn to Christianity (i.e. foreign rule?) or be
decapitated. one of the Bishops was famously killed by a countryman
called Lalli who did not obey, on the ice of a lake. i don't know if he
is more regarded as a murderer of a messanger of God or a hero now..    (08)

sorry if this seems completely out of topic to you,
but perhaps might help to understand the current strangeness out there
in the world from this little corner of ours here up North..
(i hope no crusaders find their way here this time)    (09)

looking to the future, the descriptions about how the US administration
would set up the new Iraqi order as a model democracy in the
Middle-East etc.. well, we'll see about that i guess. now back to work..    (010)

> 	- Teemu    (011)

~Toni    (012)