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Teemu.    (01)

The purpose of my posts is NOT to try to convince people to support the
war in Iraq. I am not even entirely convinced it was the way to go.    (02)

This discussion group and some associated groups are about complex
problems people everywhere face and about the potential of digital tools
to help them arrive at better decision-making.    (03)

I think that what I did - tried to do - is to look at some of the
arguments made in favor of it. I have taken exception with some of those
arguments ("helping" the people of Iraq; the link with Al Qaeda) and I
have added some arguments not publicly used by those with a pro-war
stance in the U.S. and the U.K. (that not acting now may cause us to
have to cope with a number of rogue regimes simultaneously; the passing
of the baton to ever more dangerous people (cf.
http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/si_online/news/2003/03/24/son_of_saddam/)    (04)

I believe that the drama that is presently unfolding on the world stage
makes for an excellent subject for software architects to bear in mind
when it comes to designing digital augmentation for the public
throughout the world. That subject matter includes sociological,
cultural, psychological, historical, etc. aspects - in short all of the
humanities and is not only a technological matter. Digital augmentation
calls for the participation of an exceedingly wide range of insights and
expertise, a range way beyond that available on this forum. The question
now is, should we contemplate that complexity and attempt to act
accordingly? Which again brings up the matter of Fleabyte, intended to
become, through experimentation, a public medium.    (05)

Henry    (06)

On Mon, 2003-03-24 at 16:08, Teemu Leinonen wrote:
> Henry K van Eyken wrote:
> > I ought to bring up another aspect of such dictatorships as exist in
> > Iraq, North Korea, and Libya - that sons of tyrants are raised to be
> > sadists.
> Honestly from this perspective I don't see big different between these 
> dictatorships and the USA. I feel that the tyrant of USA is part of the 
> same group.
> Even similar way most of the people of these countries (including USA) 
> do not admit the lack of democracy, human rights or political freedom in 
> their own country - this is strange behaviour!
> It looks like time to unsubscribe from this mailing list.
> 	- Teemu
>     (07)