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[ba-unrev-talk] Our Fragile World: Challenges, Opportunities forSustainable Development



Personally I feel that digital augmentation by itself is not enough.
There need also be attention paid to values education and the stiffening
of spine in times of calamity. This is a lesson I learned from
reflecting on the years Holland lived under Nazi occupation. I did
express myself about that in this forum. Also, two years ago, I tried to
get support from a college where I used to teach to organize a getting
together of educators to have an initial look at this issue. I was then
motivated during Engelbart's Colloquium in 2000 when two of his guest
speakers addressed the coming end to the supply of oil on a 40-year
horizon. Running out of non-renewable resources promises some mean
struggles for what is left of an ever scarcer supply.
The National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Center of Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society (CITRIS) on behalf of UC Berkeley are sponsoring an Ethics and the Impact of Technology on Society Workshop (by invitation only) on 4/5/03.

The final report containing the workshop proceeding will be posted here.

In the meantime, I found many interesting pointers from the list of recommended links, including a paper about "Strategies of Knowledge Integration" that reinforces your assertion made above by concluding: "Ultimately, knowledge integration should be understood as a social process".

Another, interesting pointer "World's oil & gas wells running empty: Severe social impacts expected" reinforces Ed Kinderman's presentation - State of the world's energy supply  and Hew Crane's presentation: Second set of considerations about the state of the world's energy supply during Engelbart's Colloquium in 2000.

- John
"The milk of disruptive innovation doesn’t flow from cash-cows". David S. Isenberg