Gary -
Can you say more about "encoding specificity" and how it might
affect purely online communities and online learning situations?
Can you point me to any references?
Can we use "encoding specificity" to help people work together in NICs?
What if they are completely virtual? Can the online environment
be set up in such a way to encourage the kind of focus you can get
when you go into a room that is used for a specific type of learning?
What about "entrainment" when you get in sync with another person's
rhythm? Is there a way to model entrainment in a virtual community
that can help members of a NIC work together to address a specific
problem? Or is it better to have a bunch of individuals all making
individual contributions as we are doing in this online discussion?
It seems to be that if we want to work together as a NIC to
solve some major problems, we need to have a shared mission and a shared
way of working together, to get our collective energy moving in
an agreed-on common direction. Or is it better to have lots of
creative individuals working in their own ways to solve such problems?
Benay Dara-Abrams
President & CEO,
Chairman, Millennium Park Corporation
961 Andover Way
Los Altos, CA 94024-7007
office: 650-964-6094
Message: 16
Date: Sat, 22 Jan 2000 12:18:54 -0800
From: Gary Schneider <>
Subject: Re: Session #2 - Moving People?
At 1/20/00 09:40 AM +1100, you wrote:
>From: Jeff Miller <>
>.... Sometimes just
>being in the class room/lecture theatre helps focus the mind. I once
>heard it said that more students pass exams if they take it in the
>same room as the one in which they were taught.
That is correct. The phenomenon is called "encoding specificity" and is
generally accepted by cognitive psychologists.
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