From: "Bill Bearden" <>
Just as there have been dropouts in the live presentation, I'm sure that
many people who signed up to view the async version haven't followed
through. Valid reasons for this have been mentioned in other replies to this
message and in Rulifson's presentation. The only reason I have been able to
hang on is I'm currently taking a sabbatical. I spend well over a day per
week listening to the sessions, typing up my notes, reading and responding
to the discussion list. It would be a full time job if I were actually
reading the other linked-to material on and elsewhere.
I too live in the sticks. The low fidelity of the medium we are using puts
us at a disadvantage. Some speakers are easier to understand than others.
Their voices are more "contrasty" (if that means anything). Unfortunately,
Douglas' voice isn't and it often sounds like he is mumbling to himself.
After the first three weeks, I have started listening to the taped
presentations early Sat. and Sun. mornings. I have found that works very
well. I can now view the 3 hours of material in about 3.5 hours of "clock
time". But one problem is that the slides don't always re-sync when I have
to start in the middle of part 1 or part 2.
On-line communication is still poor. But as Dick K. noted in the discussion
in session 6, we are in a time of abundance. If we wait around a little
while, this problem will probably go away. Are our efforts well-spent trying
to address this problem now? Co-evolution works both ways.
I question the idea that we all need to fully understand what Douglas is
proposing right now. Eugene Kim's message should ease the minds of all of us
who don't really get it yet. The point is, perhaps we need to structure our
initial efforts with the communications/learning constraint in mind.
If a critical mass of understanding and time can be corralled in the Bay
Area, they should take over the first phase of the project (design of
something or other). This group could get together and parcel out small
chunks of work (investigating, summarizing, detailed design,
programming...). Perhaps this will develop an on-line organization and
communications capability that will support our further efforts.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Monday, February 14, 2000 10:12 PM
> To:
> Subject: [unrev-II] Am I the only dummy around here?
> From:
> I do not know how many people are trying to follow the colloquium
> (the figure
> 1200 sticks somewhere in my head). At any rate, there are about
> 135 on the
> members list. Of these anout 35 participate on the discussion
> forum. Mostly
> these are people living in California and, presumably, attendees
> at Stanford.
> About ten of us live in well away from there, some of them
> perhaps even out in
> the sticks.
> I wonder how many of those who are seriously trying the follow
> the going-ons
> online, have difficulties. Speaking for myself, I am stuck at
> Session 4 because
> I can't understand what is said well enough to convenienty
> integrate it with
> the slides, take some notes, and internalize it all. Online
> people don't have
> the opportunity to meet with fellow attendees to quickly fill in
> some mental
> gaps. And there are only so many hours available to sort things
> out. In short,
> it is agony.
> But I do believe that what is going on here is far too important
> to simply drop
> it all. I wonder if I speak for others as well, or whether I am
> the only dummy
> around here?
> I desperately need good course notes or an efficient road map through the
> material available online to follow the discussions. Emphasize
> "efficient."
> Henry
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