Re: [unrev-II] Notes on Node Versions in Shared Hierarchies

From: Eric Armstrong (
Date: Mon Mar 20 2000 - 16:55:34 PST

  • Next message: Paul Fernhout: "Re: [unrev-II] Re: An Extensibility Architecture"

    From: Eric Armstrong <> wrote:

    > re: what happens when one node is part of two documents and a change
    > is made in one document that affects the common node?
    > This is a function of the DKR, to maintain the old node with its
    > connetions, while allowing creation of the revised node, with its
    > connections. One of these connections must be to the original node.

    However, as indicated in the original message, there are times when the
    you want is to use the new version in the second document. That is an
    instance of
    true "sharing". At other times, you want to remain linked to the
    original, so that the
    node diverges into 2 separate versions.

    That creates a requirement, when reusing a node, to either "create a
    live link" or "use a copy". The existence of two possiblities then
    predicates the need for a default option and possibly a configuration
    option to set the default.

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