From their main page and FAQ, under "I need help":
"When you say to GnutellaNet, "Hey, find strawberry-rhubarb pie
recipes.", you are actually saying, "Hey,my close friends, could you
tell me if you've seen any recipes for strawberry-rhubarb pie? And while
you're at it, ask your close friends too. And ask them to ask their
friends." After just a few rounds of this, you've got a lot of friends
working on finding that recipe! And, it's pretty much impossible for any
one person to know who asked the question in the first place. Two
beautiful things about Gnutella.
"If all goes well and development of Gnutella continues you should see
the source code during the 1.0 release. The source code has not been
released yet and we are unsure at this time if it will ever be released,
due to AOL locking it in a closet underneath a large pile of Time
Warner's dirty laundry. [It's a protocol, though, so we may not mind
that. But it does create a risk.]
"There is a Java version that is reported to work nicely under MacOS.
"GnutellaNet is used only for exchanging servant messages and performing
searches. The actual transfer is done directly between servants via
"In the interest of protecting those involved, it can only be said that
... versions are being produced by someone with access to the source
code. No, of course they're not official in the gnullsoft sense, but
they do come from a trusted source. I would certainly expect more
versions, since we've already seen several materialize. [Hmmm...]
"There are no servers...If you want to be part of the network, download
the Gnutella application, and fire away.
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