> Why hierarchical? It would seem to me that the nature of the
> *problem* would be better represented with a 'network' type data
> structure. I'm sure that some of you must remember IDMS and
> IDS-II type data bases. If there is something with that
> structure which handles Objects, would not that be better?
Actually, you are quite correct. The underlying data structure must
indeed be a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG). It might even turn out to
have cyclic loops, although it would be nice to avoid that, if possible.
However, the "network" nature of the graph results from the property
that allows a document-segment (node or tree) to be used in multiple
places. In each "document" in which the access occurs, however. The view
is hierarchical. The hierarchy is a view of the graph, and a "document"
is really a structured collection of nodes from the data base.
You are quite right to point out that this refinement of the proposition
(which occurred after the original posting) is not reflected in the
current version of the requirements document.
I look forward to more of your input...
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