I'd like to make a contribution that links 2 efforts that I see heading in
the same general direction. I happen to be listening, and sometime
contributing, to 2 lists directly inspired by Doug's work. Since I am
sending this message to both lists, most of you will yawn while I explain
the effort you're on. Please let me know if I mis-quote things.
HyNIC is an effort headed by Michael Bieber from the New Jersey Institute of
technology. Michael is heavilly engaged in the hypertext and digital
libraries community. About a year ago, following a Bootstrap Alliance
workshop at the university of Maryland, Michael launched an effort with the
twin goals of rethinking the roles of digital libraries in general and the
ACM DL in particular and transitioning the ACM SIGWEB community into a NIC.
The project didn't take off as quickly as expected but in the last 2 months
has been picking up speed with a meeting in early April where some
requirements were identified and some architectural work done and a workshop
scheduled during the ACM Hypertext/Digital Libraries 2000 Conference
(Saturday, June 3, 2000 - San Antonio, Texas).
for more info:
Unrev II
Following Doug's 10 session colloquium called the unfinished revolution II
which took place at Stanford university earlier this year, a mailing list
was built to continue the discussion during and after the colloquium. This
discussion rapidly turned into an effort to create an OHS/DKR which will be
open source and permit the tackling of truly complex issues. A weekly
meeting is being held at SRI in Menlo Park, attended mostly by people living
in the bay area. These meetings are beginning to produce a set of
requirements and architectural guidelines for the OHS/DKR.
for more info:
I am convinced that an "ideal" digital library is not very different from an
OHS/DKR and this is why I believe that both communities should communicate,
and better, collaborate towards the creation of the future.
Gil Regev
Institute for computer Communications and Applications
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL-ICA)
CH-1015 Lausanne, SWITZERLAND
email: gil.regev@epfl.ch
Web: http://icawww.epfl.ch
Phone: +41-21-693-6790
Fax: +41-21-693-6610
Portable: (078) 637-5116
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