Re: [unrev-II] Open Archives Initiative, including the Scholarly Link Spec. Framework

From: John J. Deneen (
Date: Mon May 15 2000 - 10:52:08 PDT

  • Next message: John J. Deneen: "Re: [unrev-II] Open Archives Initiative, including the Scholarly Link Spec. Framework & efirst XML"

    An interesting reference:

    "The Scholarly Link Specification (S-Link-S) Framework is designed to
    facilitate inter-publisher reference linking. Until now, a publisher
    wanting to link references from another publisher had to first work out
    a linking agreement, then work out a method to interchange linking data,
    and finally have programmers implement the links. S-Link-S streamlines
    this process by providing a well-defined syntax and vocabulary for the
    exchange of the necessary information. A publisher can then implement
    reference linking for a large number of publishers using a single
    software module."

    Jack Park wrote:

    > from a companion paper at
    > dlib

          The Open Archives initiative (OAi) promotes and encourages
          the development of author self-archiving solutions (also
          commonly called e-print systems) through the development of
          technical mechanisms and organizational structures to
          support interoperability of e-print archives. Such
          interoperability can stimulate the transition of e-print
          systems into genuine building blocks of a transformed
          scholarly communication model. This paper describes the
          Santa Fe Convention of the OAi. This is a set of relatively
          simple but potentially quite powerful interoperability
          agreements that facilitate the creation of mediator
          services. These services combine and process information
          from individual archives and offer increased functionality
          to support discovery, presentation and analysis of data
          originating from compliant archives."
    > The paper leads to a protocol for linking "SFX" which can be found
    > at:"This
    > is the third part of our papers about reference linking in a hybrid
    > library environment. The first part described the state-of-the-art of
    > reference linking and contrasted various approaches to the problem. It
    > identified static and dynamic linking solutions, open and closed
    > linking frameworks as well as just-in-case and just-in-time linking.
    > The second part introduced SFX, a dynamic, just-in-time linking
    > solution we built for our own purposes. However, we suggested that the
    > underlying concepts were sufficiently generic to be applied in a wide
    > range of digital libraries. "
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