Yes, the idea is simply a quick pointer to the very, very top level
stuff. www.unrev2.org currently points to the www.bootstrap.org site and
will do until/if we can agree all of us (Doug, please dictate...) what
should really be there.
And I agree Henry, it could mostly be a useful pointer to other sites and
>Here, from a post by Frode of Feb. 27:
>From: "Frode Hegland"
>Version 3 is now up of the proposed Unrev.org site, complete with the 'How
>to Join' link.
>Please have a look and comment:
>Considering that this is intended as a meta site with links to information
>elsewhere, this might be a good time to formally suggest what should be
>under the different headings.
>I particular, the resource section. I have seen so many links to great
sites >float by in the mailing list. Does anyone want to take it upon him
or >herself to gather together a great page of indexed links relevantto
>[end quoted message]
>I am not speaking for the Bootstrap Institute, just privately, but I
believe >Doug is favorably inclined to Frode's idea. He has provided us
with an >official URL for the site he proposes. Note that especially the
stuff I >mentioned under "item 2" would fall right into place, i.e. "(2)
material >other than strictly emanating from Doug that also bears on the
area of >knowledge management; on information selection and evaluation,
etc.". In >fact, it may well become the strong suit and thereby the focal
point of >Frode's webpublication.
>But I must let Frode speak for himself ...
>altintdev@webtv.net wrote:
>> Hi Henry,
>> Getting the proceedings ingood form is very important and will help
>> everyone. I must have missed a post of Frode's site. Where is it?
>> Thanks,
>> Joe
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