I ran across a review of ArgoUML, an open source Unified Modeling Language
tool. The review pointed to the ArgoUML site. The review was fairly
positive. While ArgoUML is immature compared to its commercial counterparts,
the review claims it has "cognitive support features" not found elsewhere.
ArgoUML supports Class, Collaboration and Use Case diagrams.
The review led me to the tigris.org site. The ArgoUML project is hosted by
tigris.org also hosts other open source projects: Helm, Joist, Scarab and
GEF. It reminds me a little of the "better tools" focus of Software
Carpentry which has been mentioned on this forum.
Helm is a project to consistently webify the administration interfaces to
open source development tools such as CVS, bug tracking, mailing lists,
project management, etc... This might be just an attempt at making
tigris.org projects easier to administer.
Joist is the Java Open Infrastructure of Servlets and Templates. It is a
Java Servlet based framework for delivering dynamic content. The goal is to
make writing servlets a little quicker. They have supposedly integrated the
WebMacro template engine to ease the creation of the dynamic HTML.
Scarab is a bug tracker. This project has just started.
GEF is the Java Library for Connected Graph Editors. It looks like they are
trying to separate and generalize the diagramming code in ArgoUML.
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