Great start on a big job. What do you think about providing links to sources
for attribution, and examples to illustrate meaning, application, nuance. DKR
needs some work..
Bill Bearden wrote:
> Unfinished Revolution - The advance of computing technology has caused
> a revolution in the way we conduct our lives. But an important part of
> this revolution is not yet complete.
> Complex Problems - Hunger, the environment, uneven distribution of
> wealth, are all examples of complex, global problems. Increasing humanity's
> capacity to solve complex, global problems is itself a complex problem.
> Bootstrap Institute - Douglas Engelbart's not-for-profit organization
> whose goal is to increase humanity's capability to solve complex, global
> problems with the aid of computer technology.
> Human System - People, their organizations and natural capabilities.
> Tool System - People's technology. For example, the telephone.
> Co-Evolution - Evolution in sync - This is the idea that it does no
> good for Tool System to advance to the point that people can't use them.
> Tool Systems must advance in sync with the evolution of Human Systems.
> The Frontier
> Capabilities Infrastructure - Every capability is dependent on other
> capabilities. An example of this is: humanity's ability to feed itself is
> currently dependent on its ability to produce chemical fertilizers and
> pesticides.
> A Activities - The basic function of an organization
> B Activities - Activities that attempt to improve on the basic
> function of an organization (See A Activities)
> C Activities - Activities that attempt to improve the improvement
> process (see B Activities)
> Bootstrapping - The idea that improving a capability on which other
> capabilities depend automatically improves the dependent capabilities
> Bootstrapping Index
> Colloquium - A series of lectures and discussions held at Stanford
> University from 1/6/2000 to 3/9/2000.
> DKR - Dynamic Knowledge Repository - The development of a DKR is the
> goal
> CoDIAK - Concurrent Development, Integration, and Application of
> Knowledge - The DKR enables this
> OHS - Open Hyperdocument System - a capability on which the DKR
> capability depends
> Collective IQ
> Intelligence System - Recorded Dialog + External Intelligence +
> Knowledge Product -- The Intelligence System is one model of the high level
> architecture of a DKR
> NIC - Network Improvement Communities - An organization made up of
> dispersed people whose goal is to improve some process
> Meta-NIC - A NIC whose goal is to improve the processes of other NICs
> HPATs - High Performance Augmented Teams
> XML - Extensible Markup Language - A simpler form of SGML being
> developed (along with a dozen other closely-related technologies) at the WWW
> Consortium.
> Augment/NLS - A system developed by a team lead by Douglas Engelbart
> Data - Numbers quantifying something. For example, "It hit 85 degrees
> outside today."
> Information - Data interpreted in the context of other data. For
> example, "85 degrees is 5 degrees hotter than the average for today."
> Knowledge - Information, interpreted over time, that yields cause and
> effect guidelines for future events. For example, "In this area, a 5 degree
> increase in average temperature causes a 10% decrease in corn yields."
> Knowledge Container
> Ontology - A system of concepts and relationships that can be used to
> encode a piece of knowledge
> Semantics
> Concept Graph
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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