Thanks for looking into that, Adam.
Good to know that I hadn't just missed something obvious.
Consistent terminology makes sense. It's the only tool we
have to attack the problem with.
I am totally in love with:
HyperScope -- the viewer
HyperDocument -- the thing viewed (a "slice" taken
from a repository)
Open HyperDocument Repository -- where they are kept
OHS: HyperScope + OHR + HyperDocuments
At the moment, I continue to reserve the term "DKR" for
future developments. Jack and Howard are constructing
the ontology for the OHS, and we need that. But later on
they are going to want to build bigger and better
ontologies to solve even deeper problems (yes?).
I know that the OHS as currently envisioned will solve
a lot of problems, and provide us with the ability to
carry on intelligent, far-ranging discussions that can
eventually "coalesce" to reach one or more conclusions.
I'm not yet convinced, however, that it will give Jack
and Howard *all* the tools they need to play with
bigger and better ontologies -- to construct them,
operate on them, and use them to deal with information
in meaningful ways. Much as I want to see the capability
come into existence, it is not all clear to me that the
current design will be capable of doing that.
So I tend to use DKR for that still-nebulous thing we
hope to get to sometime downstream. In many ways, it
is a label for my ignorance -- for all the things I
have to understand about what we need, and about how
to provide them. (The difficulty I have in following
ontology-related discussions convinces me that the
system I understand (the OHS) is unlikely to qualify
as a DKR.)
[BTW: When I reply to your messages, the automatic
quoting feature does not seem to work. Perhaps because
it is in HTML form? Or do you use IE, and it is doing
something that is incompatible with Netscape's quoting
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