Folks, having now gotten through Frode
Hegland's writeup at
I can tell you that the Solutions section
is, in point of fact, a meticulous writeup
of Augment's functionality.
Jack and Howard:
His writeup may be the most succinct expression
of Augment's functionality you are likely to
come across. It may, therefore, be the best
possible start for your Ontology excavations.
The solutions section of the document, like the
introductory materak, appears quite clearly to be
Doug speaking.
My reactions to that are mixed. If this truly is
the OHS spec, then, in actuality, it is the Augment
spec. That is not necessarily a bad thing. But if
so, then I am somewhat chagrined at how much time
I (we) spent trying to work a process (any process)
to define a solution, when the result was
Much as I admire and agree with the goals of this
group, I confess to being mystified by the lack
of process.
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