Re: [unrev-II] Unique e-mail Identifiers

From: David L Robinson (
Date: Thu Jan 04 2001 - 00:29:52 PST

  • Next message: Garold L. Johnson: "[unrev-II] Communication, Argumentation, and Documentation"

    I don't think uses e-mail. It appears to be a Web only
    interface. It also doesn't appear to use MIME.

    When I was using Netscape Messenger for e-mail I had the option to
    view messages by thread. It appears Netscape Messenger used two
    methods for finding a thread, Subject & Message-ID. Below is a list
    of headers from a Netscape message:
    Message-ID: <010401bf494e$e6d8ae20$47c5f5d1@biatch>
    From: "Michael @ MicroRationale" <>
    To: <>
    References: <009501bf23bf$c5fbc340$53cc163f@biatch>
    Subject: Re: Congratulations: You are a winner in my auction!

    The reference header appears to show past Message-IDs that I have
    sent to Michael. So Netscape could allow me to see those past
    messages if I haven't deleted them.

    But this only references the whole message not paragraphs that may
    have been quoted when replying. It would be nice if I could move my
    cursor over the paragraph that was quoted from a previous message I
    have sent and tell the e-mail client to open the message from my sent
    mail box and show me the complete message. For kicks it would be nice
    to have a check content option that would verify if the text quoted
    is the same text I sent and not modified in anyway.

    I don't know of anyone using MIME to create Content-IDs that allow
    the user to view/find the complete message the paragraph was cut from.

    At 11:59 -0800 2/1/2001, John J. Deneen wrote:
    >Do you know of a working example? Is the following info about the
    >Collaborative Writing Engine a possible example?
    >The Collaborative Writing Engine is a tool for building essays, poems,
    >stories, novels, hypertexts, discussions and as-yet-unheard-of-forms of
    >literary produce in a context that allows and invites participation by
    >anyone with WWW access.
    >David L Robinson wrote:
    >> At 8:04 -0800 22/12/2000, Garold L. Johnson wrote:
    >>> [Garold L. Johnson] The major problems with email all relate to
    >>> linking, at least to a first approximation. Since emails have no
    >>> unique identifiers, tying even a reply to a specific email much less
    >>> a specific reference is difficult since there is nothing unique to
    >>> which an email can refer. Hence we end up doing a lot of quoting
    >>> because we can't refer to an email uniquely much less in a fine
    >>> grained way, and there is no way of knowing how much of the email
    >>> traffic any new viewer has.
    >>> Egroups assigns a message number to every message it receives, but
    >>> that number is not reflected in the email that is sent to the list.
    >>> The originator doesn't know it since it isn't assigned until it is
    >>> received by egroup.
    >> Just a note on the unique identifiers point. E-mail does have a
    >> unique identifier its called Message-ID.See
    >> The RFC
    >> 2392 also mentions unique identifiers to content (CID). So you could
    >> have a MIME e-mail with each paragraph a MIME entity with a unique CID
    >> which could easily be cross referenced just like a HTML "A NAME=" Tag.
    >> Usually the E-mail body is just one MIME entity as no one has thought
    >> about the benefits of having each paragraph a MIME entity. An
    >> advantage of using this RFC is standard E-mail clients can be modified
    >> so linking to specific parts of a past E-mail would be possible. --
    > > David Robinson

    David Robinson
    ICQ# 8955819
    SMITH'S LAW:  No real problem has a solution.
    Me(I Think): Real Geeks never die. Their E-mail addresses just bounce.
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