Good article submitted in your letter today relating experience in China using
alphabet technology to augment human intelligence, with the evolution of
literacy. The origins, strengths and weaknesses of the "alphabetic mind,"
discussed in the article on China, were reviewed on 991108....
Cultural forces that impede literacy are reviewed in the same record.....
Your recent work developing requirements for an OHS helps foster a culture of
knowledge that aids the transition from IT to KM. How do your requirements for
OHS correlate with Eric's submission of CDS specs on 000614....
Recall that the next day, in the meeting on 000615 you proposed that the team
adopt Eric's specs as the OHS requirements.....
....and on 001015 the team had completed review, and you planned to submit
comments OA 001030......
Have those comments been distributed, and are they incorporated into your latest
notice of OHS requirements? Has anything been added or deleted?
Again, your article on cultural forces in China adjusting to IT, reflects
similar challenges in the west transitioning from IT to KM. Your work, along
with Jack, Eric and many others on the team shows the promise that KM can take
root to strengthen the tradition of literacy that has enabled civilization to
flourish, hopefully in time to arrest recent economic decline brought on by an
epidemic of bumbling characterized in an article on 001221 as "too many people
having too many problems" they cannot solve.....
This has reached pandemic proportions in engineering and medical management,
reported, for example, on 000912.....
Obviously, as we baby boomers become the geriatric generation, this will place
greater demand for competence in medical practice.
Your important work on 001126 outlining how to accomplish KM with IT methods, is
aided by your having added anchors for the team in applying OHS requirements,
called out by Doug on 001025. As people begin to use anchors to align daily
work, this will reduce mistakes under Doug's theory about enhancing basic
competence, which is the goal of literacy.
Thanks for a timely article on a key KM issue.
Eugene Eric Kim wrote:
> This piece describes how people in China are forgetting how to write
> Chinese characters because of word processors. It talks about how the pen
> replacing the calligraphy brush at the turn of the century raised similar
> concerns. It also explores the relationship between reading and writing.
> Altogether, I found this to be one of the more interesting articles I've
> read in a while.
> -Eugene
> --
> +=== Eugene Eric Kim ===== ===== ===+
> | "Writer's block is a fancy term made up by whiners so they |
> +===== can have an excuse to drink alcohol." --Steve Martin ===========+
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