RE: Getting with the (HTML) Program
Hi Everybody!
Thank you for forwarding John's message, Jack. I wonder how popular Emacs is. I really don't know that much about html text editors and related software. For myself, I use Dreamweaver, though I really feel like it is overkill given my level of proficiency at this point. I know arachnophilia is available at no cost via the web as a scaled down alternative, and I enjoyed using it til I got DW. Here's the link:
I'm taking the liberty of building on my perception of the intent of John's message.
For another html tutorial, I recommend
Here is a page where I've compiled a few other references:
I am starting to craft my correspondence in html, especially announcements, and especially announcements that will be forwarded.
One of the many reasons for this is that I can include a hypertext link to the announcement in the announcement, and let people know that page will be updated if/when new information arrives.
Here are two examples of this:
The reason I'm mentioning/including these links is because they better illustrate what I'm attempting to convey here.
If you look at the docs, you'll see pieces in the messages like this one:
If you have found this message helpful, please consider passing it along to anyone you know who might benefit, preferably in the form of a URI to preserve the integrity of the links (and avoid those funny little darts).
Here is the URI to this message:
Not only does this make the doc more accessable in the format the author intended, but it allows for revisions/editing real time. If I send an
announcement like one of these out to five or ten thousand people and critical information was missing, or wrong, or if I receive new information, I have the ability to edit the doc and upload the update.
Many times I'll send only the URI and a really brief intro, however these two messages were collaborative, so I did not have that luxury.
Sometimes I'll include hypertext but put the link in for those who do not choose to view their mail in html. The first link in this message is an example of that. To me, it would be a whole lot easier if everyone would simply use html mail clients and be done with it.
I hope some of you here receiving this message have found this to be a value added follow on to John's message. Thank you Jack for "shamelessly forwarding" it. I'm just learning html myself, and I encourage everyone to empower yourself with this skill. As we move to the net, it really is quite handy. For me, it is not a luxury, but a necessity.
I invite you to follow my progress as I begin to learn how to craft cascading style sheets and more sophisticated html.
Here are two websites I am in the process of authoring:
notice the virtual teams page at synergy central. I'll be updating that in the near future.
I recently was invited to edit an ezine, which I would not have considered if I was not at least familiar with basic html. I am really excited
about this opportunity.
While I am able to read some of the posts flying around here, I really haven't connected much with you guys here, and feel badly about this. It is mostly just a time and attention issue. I resonate deeply with what we are about here, and look forward to getting to know you all better as time passes.
Thank you all for your contributions and collaborations. You are all really quite remarkable individuals.
----- Original Message -----
From: Jack Park
Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2001 11:34 AM
Subject: [unrev-II] Fw: HTML, XML, and DocBook for beginners
I am shamelessly forwarding this post to Unrev. Many good ideas here, most
of which we have discussed before. But now, it's coming from a well-known
person of the knowledge rep persuasion.
----- Original Message -----
From: John F. Sowa <>
To: <>; <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2001 10:49 AM
Subject: SUO: HTML, XML, and DocBook for beginners
> In some previous notes, I have made the claim that conventional word
> processors (especially ones that use proprietary formats) are obsolete.
> As a replacement, I recommended that people switch their word (or text)
> processing methods to SGML and its derivatives, including HTML and XML.
> For an easy intro to HTML, I recommend:
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