Just a quick comment, I looked at BrowseUp recently and here is what I
1. Based on a proprietary browser plug in
2. Not open standards
3. Interesting but not free.
4. Trying to ride on top of "open" i.e:
To learn more about how you can incorporate an open hyperlink system,
available in both MS-SQL and Oracle server side solutions, and to purchase
oLinkSM servers to run the BrowseUp technology for your corporation, please
contact us at BizDev@BrowseUp.com
Note -- I'm not bashing or evaluating, just posting some thoughts.
J. Scott Johnson
The Fuzzygroup, LLC
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Email: sjohnson@fuzzygroup.com
Pager: spager@fuzzygroup.com
Home Page: http://www.fuzzygroup.com
Personal Page: http://www.fuzzygroup.com/sjohnson/
AIM Chat fuzzygroup
Yahoo Chat: fuzzygroup
-----Original Message-----
From: Melissa Hall [mailto:melissa@browseup.com]
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2001 10:17 AM
To: 'unrev-II@yahoogroups.com'
Subject: RE: [unrev-II] My OHS Thoughts
You should work with BrowseUp, we have a working Open HyperLINK System. I
would be happy to talk to you about it whenever you have a moment.
My Best,
Melissa K. Hall
Director, BrowseUp
381 5th Avenue - 6th Floor
New York, New York 10001
(p) 212-448-1280 x 118
(c) 646-319-6826
-----Original Message-----
From: Jack Park [mailto:jackpark@verticalnet.com]
Sent: Sunday, March 11, 2001 7:19 PM
To: unrev-II@yahoogroups.com; ohs-dev@bootstrap.org
Cc: jackpark@thinkalong.com
Subject: [unrev-II] My OHS Thoughts
I have placed a document at: http://www.thinkalong.com/ohs/jpOHS.pdf
In which I begin (far from finished) the process of organizing (SDS-like) my
thoughts (and those of others) into a coherent picture that represents my
own highly personal view on what an OHS might look like. The paper is more
like an outline than a full-monty design document. It's headed in that
direction, however.
In fact, I have begun the process of gathering together various widgets I
have built along the way. An implementation now exists for, at least, the
Topic Map part. An early SDS and IBIS will soon follow.
It is my desire to get this prototype into a classroom at the highschool my
kids attend to begin first trials of the IBIS and SDS (journal keeping)
capabilities at that level.
The project is only passing the "half-baked" threshold as I write this. It
has a really long way to go before it will qualify to be called a candidate
It is my hope that others will take the OHS project seriously enough to
begin hacking rough implementations. I find it very useful to explore an
OHS with a working prototype.
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