* Jack Park <jackpark@thinkalong.com> [010403 12:51]:
> [...]
> While I do think that QPT, frames, Topic Maps, and all the rest will give us
> early tools with which to begin Doug's profound bootstrapping process, tools
> such as my Nexist project http://nexist.sourceforge.net
> <http://nexist.sourceforge.net/> and (hopefully) other such OHS-like
> testbeds, will all need to be robust enough to survive massive evolutionary
> pressure pointing in the direction of new and different approaches to
> modeling.
Jack, I feel the screenshots on your site would be a good way to
understand your starting point. I have just posted a tarball accessible
via anonymous FTP and a browsable CVS import for those that would like
to see the code. Contributors are encouraged to provide code that we
can incorporate among other assistance such as testing and documentation.
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