"These finding suggests that our perceptual systems are exquisitely tuned
to the occurrence of emotionally significant stimulus events, requiring
much less attention or effort to reach conscious awareness compared to
events of neutral value. Even under conditions where stimulus events are
often ignored and likely unseen due to other processing tasks (e.g. driving
a car, or reading a newspaper on the subway), events of particular
significance receive fuller processing, and thus are more likely to capture
our attention. Dr. Anderson suggests that "the amygdala appears to be
critical for the emotional tuning of perceptual experience, allowing
perception of emotionally significant events to occur despite inattention."
This paper reminds me of a paper I read while browsing a library at the
University of Rochester back in the mid 1980's while attending a Forth
convention. That paper spoke of some trials looking at the relationship
between surprise and memory. Specifically, they were looking at what
happens to memory when there is a "fight or flight" response -- massive hit
of adrenalin -- which they could not give to the old farts in the study
because that might set off heart attacks, so they substituted one of the
sugars. Kindof interesting. Those sipping lemonade during training did
much better than those who did not in later recall tests.
I'm not sure I understand how sugar can simulate an adrenalin rush, but the
study provoked me to sip gatorade while studying. Problem is, I don't
remember what I was studying when I did that.
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