A business perspective on collaboration is a key factor in developing
successful & fundable projects. Here's one such perspective.
-- -- Grant Bowman <grantbow@svpal.org>----- Forwarded message from Lou Gervais <lrgervais@yahoo.com> ----- From: Lou Gervais <lrgervais@yahoo.com> Reply-To: president@webguild.org To: webguild_announce@webguild.org Subject: [WebGuild] Silicon Valley WebGuild June 2001 Newsletter Date: Thu, 7 Jun 2001 11:12:08 -0700 (PDT) Message-ID: <20010607181208.4662.qmail@web5303.mail.yahoo.com> Sender: owner-webguild_announce@webguild.org
Silicon Valley WebGuild Update Newsletter!
The Silicon Valley WebGuild Presents:
Meeting - June 13 - "Mass Integration and the Emergence of Online Business Collaboration"
Hosted by Cypress Semiconductor Corp. (http://www.cypress.com/) and sponsored by ISite Services, Inc. (http://www.isite.net/)
...forward this email to your friends, our meetings are always open to all and FREE... -------------------------------------------------------
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The Silicon Valley WebGuild - a Chapter of the Association of Internet Professionals
Topic: "Mass Integration and the Emergence of Online Business Collaboration"
Kevin Harrington, COO of Centegy Corp.
Online collaboration between trading partners will emerge as the common thread that defines successful business-to-business (B2B) e-commerce initiatives. The first generation of online commerce centered on static catalogs and transaction engines. While this continues to serve its purpose in the consumer markets, it does not properly foster online commerce between enterprises. Instead, real-time collaboration from product design to product fulfillment will be necessary for online business commerce to achieve widespread market adoption. Additionally, there is a re-evaluation occurring regarding how enterprises conduct business online.
This second generation of B2B e-commerce is called Online Business Collaboration. In this presentation, Harrington will explore the opportunities and challenges presented by mass integration technologies, and end user requirements for tightly coupled information systems in the extended supply chain. When: Our community events are free and open to all and will take place on Wednesday, June 13, 2001. Registration begins at 6:00 PM and the speakers will begin at 7:00 PM. RSVPs are NOT required.
Cypress Semiconductor in north San Jose between Highway 237 and Tasman Drive, 3939 N. First St., north side building 3, San Jose, CA (look for the big yellow signs!) See: http://webguild.org/meetings/cypress_directions/ for map.
Who Should Attend:
E-Commerce Strategists & Practitioners, General Management , Sales & Marketing, Management, Customer Support Management, Operations Management, Business Owners, Web Managers, Designers and Developers.
How much:
The event is FREE for everyone, and we even provide free soft drinks, chips and other sweets!
What else happens:
>From 6pm to 7pm we provide an informal networking environment where you can speak to fellow web professionals, look for a new job, search for new employees, learn about our sponsors' products and services and generally have a fun time.
After the main speaker we break out into Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and discuss other more specialized topics such as "Intranets," "Visual Design," "E-Commerce," "Technical Development," and "PHP". ******************************************************* BIO of speaker: Kevin Harrington is President and Chief Operating Officer of Centegy Corporation. He is charged with leading Centegy’s continued evolution as a comprehensive provider of Supply Chain mass integration software and services. Previously, Harrington was Centegy’s Vice President of Operations, where he was responsible for the delivery of Centegy’s services and for leading the integration of Centegy’s business operations.
About our host:
Cypress Semiconductor (http://www.cypress.com/) Cypress Semiconductor is "Driving the Communications Revolution"™ by providing high-performance integrated circuit solutions to fast-growing markets, including data communications, telecommunications, computation, consumer products, and industrial control. With a focus on emerging communications applications, Cypress's product portfolios include high-speed data communications ICs; networking-optimized and micropower static RAMs; high-bandwidth multi-port and FIFO memories; high-density programmable logic devices; timing technology solutions; and controllers for Universal Serial Bus (USB).
******************************************************* The WeGuild has co-chair openings in the following areas: Publicity, Speaker, Sponsorship, and Intranet SIG. Please contact the president or a board member if you are interested in one of these positions. See: http://www.webguild.org/contact.php for names and email address. *******************************************************
Coming Soon to the WebGuild:
July 11, 2001: Jared M. Spool, "Strike Up the Brand" How to Design for Branding on the Web
For more information: http://www.webguild.org/
Reminder: There is a new "Special Notices" area with links to events, seminars and promotional offers on the left nav bar of each page. We currently have "Events" and "Free Seminars" being offered. Have a look. * =================================================== * To u n s u b s c r i b e from this mailing list, please visit the 'mailing-list' section on the webguild.org web site: http://www.webguild.org/signup.php/
===== ..,-~~-.___. Have a great day. / | ' \ ( ) 0 Lou Gervais \_/-, ,----' President AIP SV Chapter ==== // (Silicon Valley WebGuild) / \-'~; /~~~(O) /__/~| http://www.webguild.org
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