Hello Mr. .Carroll
My name is Hiro Kusunoki I am a member of Bootstrap Alliance Japan.
Yes, you are right. USC-2 will not cover all the characters of the globe.
However, USC-4 (32bit code) has been proposed under the ISO10646.
Unfortunately, there may be a considerable amount of work needed till all the
involved community reaches consensus on how to map their characters in the code
Hiro Kusunoki
Fuji Xerox Information Systems, Co. Ltd.
"N. C a r r o l l" wrote:
> "Why Unicode Won't Work on the Internet:
> Linguistic, Political, and Technical Limitations
> Summary
> Unicode, the commercial equivalent of UCS-2 (ISO 10646-1), has been
> widely assumed to be a comprehensive solution for electronically mapping
> all the characters of the world's languages, being a 16-bit character
> definition allowing a theoretical total of over 65,000 characters. However,
> the complete character sets of the world add up to over 170,000
> characters. This paper summarizes the political turmoil and technical
> incompatibilities that are beginning to manifest themselves on the
> Internet as a consequence of that oversight. (For the more technically
> inclined: Unicode 3.1 won't work either.)
> ..."
> http://www.hastingsresearch.com/net/04-unicode-limitations.shtml
> Comments particularly welcome from members of
> Bootstrap Alliance Japan.
> Nicholas
> --
> ________________________________
> Nicholas Carroll
> ncarroll@hastingsresearch.com
> Travel: ncarroll@iname.com
> http://www.hastingsresearch.com
> ________________________________
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