[unrev-II] Investment banker report about KM technologies

From: John J. Deneen (jjdeneen@ricochet.net)
Date: Thu Jul 26 2001 - 12:32:10 PDT

  • Next message: John J. Deneen: "[unrev-II] Illustrations of Cognitive Cycle, Natural Language Processing, and Dynamic Knowledge"

    After attending a seminar at the Silicon Valley World Internet Center (a
    collaborative forum at the Stanford Barn) last night about "Use your
    Extranet to Improve Workforce Productivity" by Mr. Martie Nielson, CEO,
    Inclusion.net, I'm sharing with you this report that may be of mutual

    The link below downloads a condensed report by inclusion.net (956 Kb
    PDF) from Robertson Stephens < http://www.robertsonstephens.com >,
    investment bankers. It outlines the market conditions and technologies
    for the next great wave of growth spawned by internet KM technologies.
    < http://www.inclusion.net/inclusion/dofiledownload.html?fileid=F404 >

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