From the sigWeb newsletter:
"Structural computing asserts "the primacy of structure over data" and aims
to develop a set of principles, techniques, and technology that can be used
by developers as resources for developing applications in new domains"
These folks make liberal use of the term "OHS"
at we find an abstract for a
dissertation on this topic:
"There have been two distinct trends in hypermedia work over the last
decade. One of these trends has concerned the construction of increasingly
more powerful infrastructure for the support of open hypermedia navigation
systems, while the other has concerned the application of hypermedia
technologies and concepts to increasingly diverse domains. This
dissertation concerns how these trends can be merged, resulting in a
framework for design of powerful infrastructure for all of these diverse
An examination of the domains to which hypermedia concepts have been
applied yields an understanding of the common characteristics of these
fields - namely, a reliance on general structure and general structural
computation. A philosophy of computation is presented called structural
computing that stresses the primacy of these concepts. Without such a
philosophy, different structure-oriented domains are treated in terms of
one particular example of such a domain - navigation - which in turn is
treated as a special case of general data-oriented systems. Structure is
seen as an ad hoc functionality to be added over data-oriented programs.
Different structure-oriented domains are seen as special cases of
navigational hypertext, with a corresponding confusion of basic terminologies.
An analysis of the historical development of hypermedia systems leads to
the conclusion that current open hypermedia systems can be modified in a
straightforward way to support general structural computing applications.
This is accomplished by opening the link server layer in traditional
hypermedia architectures. The resultant generalized link server is called a
structure processor (Sproc). Different Sprocs encapuslate tailoring and
extension of the structure and structural computation models provided by
the structure store of the system. These modifications can provided
structure and structural computation models and abstractions designed to
meet the needs of specific structural computing domains.
A conceptual architecture for an environment to support structural
computing (named HOSS) is presented. This architecture is divided into two
parts. The operating system layer decribes the basic services available to
all HOSS programs. The computing environment layer consists of an open set
of programs that run address specific structural computing domains. A
prototypic implementation of parts of the operating system layer of HOSS
and of several example computing environment layer programs is described.
The successful implementation of the operating system layer provides a
proof of concept of the general structural computing environment
architecture presented. The sample programs substantiate the claims that
such an environment can support the design and implementation of a wide
variety of structural computing programs. "
Lots of papers at
Papers from the First Workshop on Structural Computing are found at
see also
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