"Tackle the grand-challenge social problems of today. Create the
architectures, the vision, and the fundamental technologies. Build
prototype solutions and prove the value and importance of your work.
Then industry will find a way to fill in the gaps and deliver the
commercial versions of the technology.” - James Demmel, professor of
computer science at UC Berkeley and chief scientist and associate
director of CITRIS (Center for Information Technology Research in the
Interest of Society)
On Aug. 27, 2001 researchers from the University of California,
Berkeley and the Intel Berkeley Research Lab demonstrated a
self-organzing wireless sensor network consisting of over 800 tiny
low-power sensor nodes. The demonstration was live, involving most of
the audience attending the kickoff keynote of the Intel Developers Forum
given by Dr. David Tennenhouse, Intel VP and Director of Research. <
http://www.intel94.com/idf/fall2001/p_bio_tennenhouse.asp >
< http://webs.cs.berkeley.edu/800demo/ >
Webcast of the presentation
Dr. Tennenhouse´s presentation highlights research being conducted at
Intel and key universities with the goal of moving computing from the
"Interactive" present to a "proactive" future in which computers,
including networked embedded devices that out-number people a hundred or
thousand-fold, act on our behalf, anticipating our needs, transparently
processing data into information and delivering it in a way that best
meets those needs.
< http://www.intel94.com/idf/fall2001/keynotes/p_webcast.asp >
Embedded projects take a share of Intel's research dollars
< http://webs.cs.berkeley.edu/800demo/eetimes.html >
... "$20 million this fiscal year with a $100 million commitment for the
overall CITRIS project, promises major energy savings for the state and
nation. Among the innovative ideas already emerging from CITRIS is that
of outfitting buildings with wireless sensor networks to monitor energy
use - technology that could save as much as $8 billion in California's
energy costs and 5 million metric tons of carbon each year. ...
... In addition to state funding, CITRIS has garnered $250 million in
additional support from business and industrial partners and federal and
state research grants. Many of the corporate sponsors played a key role
in convincing the governor and legislature that CITRIS has broad support
in Silicon Valley and would have a major impact on the information
technology industry.
< http://www.berkeley.edu/news/media/releases/2001/07/27_citrs.html >
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