Dear Flavio/Engelbarters,
Responding to Flavio's input,
>... ... There has been a virtual economy going on,
> >moved by speculators, which cannot stop. If it does, and it has partially
> >happened this last few days, the hole (not the whole) appears. There is a
> >design problem to be solved. In my humble opinion, it is not a matter of
> >discerning war from peace (or evil from good), but of understanding the
> >origins of non-peace, which overwhelms the virgin, creative side of each of
> >us. From my own experience dealing with different peoples in Brazil and
> >abroad for many years, I have found out that there is very little evil on
> >this planet. I mean evil people. ... ...
> >Flavio Mesquita da Silva
> >MA. Whole Systems Design
> >
On the global financial structure's design problem, would it help to have
the Fed replaced by computer, redundant information/communications
networks, and schemes for localized emergency fallback protection (such as,
a decisive percentage of local endangered economies immediately and
transparently switching to transacting with e-gold during a crisis)?
I too believe human nature does not have intrinsic evil, only flaws or
perversions of capacities initially inclined towards goodness, a view put
forth in strong and beautifully touching terms by, for one, the ancient
Chinese Philosopher, Mencius.
Natalie Vania
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