Re: [unrev-II] Semantic Community Web Portal (Formality Harmful)

From: Eric Armstrong (
Date: Sun Sep 16 2001 - 14:48:38 PDT

  • Next message: Bernard Vatant: "Re: [unrev-II] Multidimensional Economics and DKRs"

    Gil Regev wrote an HTML message with a lot of extraneous tags,
    now deleted, which said:

    > One of the most troubling aspects that Shipman and Marshall note is
    > the following:
    > An example of this interference is McCall's observation that design
    > students have difficulty producing IBIS-style argumentation even
    > though videotapes of their design sessions show that their naturally
    > occurring discussions follow this structure [Fischer et al. 91]. A
    > physiological example of the interference that making tacit knowledge
    > conscious can cause is breathing (also from McCall). When a person is
    > asked to breath normally, their normal breathing will be interrupted.
    > Furthermore, chances are that introspection about what normal
    > breathing means will cause the person's breathing to become abnormal
    > -- exaggeratedly shallow, overly deep, irregular.
    > I also have rather anecdotal experiences of the same kind. If this is
    > gloabally true than we should avoid creating tools that mimic the way
    > we think. Did you find the same aspect in your research?

    I think the answer is to create tools that let us think the way we
    think, and then
    go back an analyze the way we thought and restructure it to represent
    the way
    we would have like to have been thinking. That is, in essence, what we
    do when
    we write, design, create, etc. We put up an initial draft, and then
    revise it into
    something useful.

    See the post on Eugene's work, next.

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