> It strikes me that if one were to imagine a DKR for multidimensional
> economics, one would have to imagine links to other DKRs, such as would
> cover ecosystems, social systems, and so forth. The architecture for such
> an environment, I am finding out, would perhaps be described as a
> Heterarchical Hyperstructure, as described at
> http://www.calresco.org/lucas/philos.htm
> and as may emerge when the heterarchical communities as evidenced in the
> various Wiki implementations, at www.memes.net, in particular
> http://graphs.memes.net, and at Bernard Vatant's www.universimmedia.com
> all begin to link to each other.
Thinking about how those projects could really fit together and complete
each other, and about the difficulty of people to have the courage to step
into formalization, I figured that a DKR should be structured in three
linked levels, from the most open and user-friendly to the most stable and
formal. Between chaos and order ...
First level (e.g., memes.net). Very user-friendly, dynamic, but at the edge
of chaos. The graph structure is spontaneous and ill-structured, with coarse
types of links : child, parent, related to. Easy and frequent updates, no
administrative level, except for technical maintenance. As everyone can see,
graph representation (see TouchGraph visualization of memes.net) is quite
messy. At this level, the doubts expressed by Eric about the relevancy of
any graph representation for augmenting and facilitating knowledge, are
Second level : (e.g., semantopic project). Needs editing task force
extracting knowledge from the first level. The spontaneous graph of the
first level is interpreted into a labeled graph, with richer semantics for
edges: Classification by multi-hierarchical indexes (individuals,
universals), topic map associations. At this level the ontology is
structuring itself. Less open, still reactive and evolutionary, but at a
slower pace than the first level. Clean graph structure visualization more
possible, both for hierarchical and non-hierachical links. Implementation of
scoping and clustering mechanisms to filter the graph and explore it.
An interesting example is wikipedia www.wikipedia.net vs. nupedia
www.nupedia.net, experimental interface between the two
Third level : Core Knowledge, structured as a formal (permanent) ontology or
set of stable Published Subjects (PSI)
Changes implemented at a very slow pace, through versioning to keep track of
Those three levels, interlinked and co-evolving, will ensure the necessary
dialectic between chaos and order. I don't figure right now if those
thoughts fit with Nexist's scheme. Have to look at it more closely.
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