Re: [unrev-II] Tr: [alliance] [Fwd: CNN USING 1991 FOOTAGE of celebrating Palistinians to manipulate you]

From: Mark Szpakowski (
Date: Tue Sep 18 2001 - 15:05:54 PDT

  • Next message: Eric Armstrong: "Re: [unrev-II] CNN USING 1991 FOOTAGE of celebrating Palistinians"

    At 03:48 PM 09/18/2001 +0200, Bernard Vatant wrote:
    >This message came through Alliance forum.
    > > > CNN USING 1991 FOOTAGE of celebrating Palistinians to manipulate you

    This story turns out to be untrue.

     From :

             Eason Jordan, CNN's Chief News Executive, confirmed
             that the video footage used on CNN was in fact shot Tuesday in
    East Jerusalem by a Reuters TV crew,
             not during the Persian Gulf conflict of 1990-91 -- a fact proved
    by its inclusion of comments from a
             Palestinian praising Osama Bin Laden, whose name was unlikely to
    have come up ten years earlier in
             connection with the invasion and liberation of Kuwait. As well,
    the person who made the claim quoted
             above has since recanted.

    - Mark
    Mark Szpakowski   
           "forever has already happened"

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