Re: [unrev-II] Lucid Thinking

From: Stephen Danic (
Date: Mon Sep 24 2001 - 22:52:20 PDT

  • Next message: Stephen Danic: "[unrev-II] is up while we wait for a sourceforge foundry"

    I should probably say something here since we're discussing Lucid Fried

    First of all, I'm very glad that you're enjoying Lucid and

    Don't put too much stock in the codebase. It's pretty amateurish. You could
    rewrite something much better with minimal effort.
    Lucid Fried Eggs was originally created as a proof of concept. I did it on
    my Christmas vacation a couple years ago. I haven't really made any changes

    Release early/often is a good mantra.

    I still recommend the GPL for all software.

    I suggest you borrow the structured links from Lucid, the ranking system and
    semi-automatic softlinks from everything2, the chronological history from
    weblogs, the universal purple anchors from, the graphical
    layout from TouchGraph, the WAP interface from ToughtStream, the personal
    "views" from your own design document, the document abstraction layer from

    Make it modular. Borrow libraries and abstraction layers wherever possible.

    Make it secure for those who want accreditation (people seem to want
    userlogins). Make it anonymous for those who require privacy.

    If possible, make it webspider friendly. URL's like will get indexed better than

    Make it simple to use. ( pasted URLS should be detected as links. linebreaks
    should be detected as < br >'s )

    Links must be reciprocal! Make inter-site two-way links as easy to create as
    intra-site links

    If possible, implement site-site replication of popular nodes, similar to
    the Freenet design goals.

    Above all, make it ridiculously easy to install. That will encourage
    everyone to try it out on their system, ensuring a broad userbase.

    Have you put together a design document? I know this fits in with everything
    the OHS has been working towards, but it would be nice to have a concrete
    reference or single whitepaper.


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