Re: [unrev-II] Recommendations??

From: Alex Shapiro (
Date: Wed Oct 03 2001 - 21:29:56 PDT

  • Next message: Eugene Eric Kim: "Re: [unrev-II] Recommendations??"

    Check out the "topics" link. You get older links archived by category.

    Ratings + Categories:
    The content is a little silly, but they're ratings.

    Combinations: I believe this one requires visualization. I apologize for
    the self promotion, but observe how easy it is to make combinations using
    the TG Link Browser: just add a new node,
    and link it to the nodes that it is a combination of.


    >The "information explosion" exhibited by these pointers alone
    >illustrates some of the *vital* requirements for a useful collaboration
    > 1) Categories
    > When recommendation "X" comes in, it needs to come in with
    > a category (or multiple categories) or, better, categories need to
    > be retroactively applied, so I can tell which recommendations
    > achieve similar goals, or perform similar functions.
    > 2) Ratings
    > There is no way on God's green earth I am going to investigate
    > 700 recommendations, until and unless that is my paid job
    > (at which point I will be more than happy to undertake the task).
    > Until that I occurs, I *must* have ratings for these things, so I
    > can idendify "best of breed" in each category.
    > 3) Combinations
    > If someone can say, "we can combine technology X with
    > technology Y to do Z". That new combination can then
    > be categorized and rated, so it can be compared with
    > combinations X and M, or combination M and N and P.

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