David's concerns are most appropriate. And mostly there are no immediate answers because we are just at the beginning of a long
journey. It is one of the tasks of the EIC journal to come to grips with not only technical issues, but also social issues - see
http://www.bootstrap.org/context/archive/eic-3.html which concludes with a sketch of the editorial approach as I envisage it
David's and Eric's comments relate to quantity of knowledge and availability of knowledge. A complete encyclopedic DKR in itself
does not increase the amount of knowledge and parts of it will have only privileged access. I believe that what it is expected
to do, in sofar its contents are fully accessible by all, is to make access to specific information more efficient by its being
kept up-to-date and by squeezing out reiteration other than by being available at several levels of detailing and at several
levels of sophistication. Many will be employed in maintaining such a DKR.
I imagine that the "ultimate" DKR will not only exchange information with humans, but that it will have a profound effect on how
and what we learn - which in turn will react back on the design of the DKR. Our "productive intelligence" will have neural and
electronic wellsprings. True augmentation.
David Kankiewicz wrote:
> One aspect I haven't seen discussed in the archives (Did I
> overlook it?) is the benefits to potential cost ratio associated with
> implementing a massively enhanced DKR (Augmenting Human
> Intellect). Or, to put it in terms of Unrev, the "solving those
> critical problems" to "increased efficiency might reduce jobs and
> cause bigger problems " perspective. Does anyone have any
> thoughts, links, or insights on these subjects?
> To put it bluntly, I'm in a loop over whether or not an Augmentor
> "call it what you want" (a complete Human-to-computer
> interface for knowledge, simulation, and thinking enhancement)
> would have a major impack on the IP related industries. And,
> whether this would be acceptable or dangerous? How
> secure/restricted should access to a massive knowledge base
> be? In the wrong hands it could provide critical knowledge about
> national defenses (or, atleast, weapons, etc.) and how to
> circumvent them, etc.
> Back to industry related effects, it could decimate the numbers
> of workers needed in the software, design (anything), and some
> science fields (basically, efficiency goes through the roof). Or, if
> shorting the masses out for only a small number of humans
> (maybe it'll be too expansive?), it might hardly have an impack
> whatsoever.
> Does everyone need to evolve at technology's pace of progress?
> How far does humanity have to go until its in natural balance of
> power, growth, knowledge, governments (control), culture,
> nature, etc., which might eliminate most acts of violence, crime,
> terrorism, etc.???
> I'm honestly stumped, I can't decide if humanity is ready to face
> the truly equal distribution of knowledge to every person on this
> planet? Can anybody answer that question? Should we find out
> by trying???
> All I can be certain of is that we're in the unfinished revolution!
> Take care,
> David Kankiewicz
> P.S. I am just taking some time to consider the consequences
> before deciding whether to provide my ideas and specs for
> OHS/DKRs, augmentation, etc...
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