An excerpt:
The ever-counterintuitive Kevin Kelly, during a telephone conversation,
explained to me his idea that this is not a hi-tech war at all but that the
entire operation was low-tech (plastic knives, box cutters, etc.). No spy
satellites for these guys, and no possibility than an $80 billion
expenditure on a star wars defense would have had any deterrent effect
I wrote the following to the list: "I believe that the Edge community can
mount a serious conversation about the catastrophic events of the past week
that might do some good. Within the community is invaluable expertise in
many pertinent areas, not to mention the intelligence that the "Edgies" can
bring to the subjects. I am interested "hard-edge" comments, derived from
empirical results or experience specific to the expertise of the
participant. Edge is not the proper venue for people to vent their
justified rage at the acts of terrorism, displeasure with the
administration, U.S. Mid-East policies, etc. But it is the right venue for
an informed, intelligent commentary."
"So how about a new Edge question: WHAT NOW?"
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