The source auditor is a system for maintaining machine-parsable audit
records for a tree of sourcecode. The metric to be collected are
user-defined, to meet the requirements of the project, and can be
configured to have minimum required values and a fixed refresh time in
which metrics have to be re-evaluated or they expire. The system can then
display statistics on the collected metrics for the system to allow a
global picture of the system state.
The system is built using J2EE components, using a hybrid of servlets and
jsps, and is architected around an extensible XML-based framework (using
the apache xerces parser). The system was developed using Resin from
Caucho, the best and fastest servlet engine in town. The system has been
tested, and has no known bugs at the time of writing. The 1.0 release,
intended for public use, is out, so please go give it a whirl. If you like
it, send me email and let me know. I'm also very open to feature requests.
Srcaudit is BSD and Resin is free for non commercial use.
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