[unrev-II] Nailing Jello To The Wall

From: Jack Park (jackpark@thinkalong.com)
Date: Sun Oct 21 2001 - 09:20:19 PDT

  • Next message: Peter Jones: "[unrev-II] Knowledge Mining"


     From the top of the page:

    "You look pretty much
    the same as I
    and our alphabet begins
    with an "A" and even our
    show the same
    when scrawled on a
    But I don't understand how you
    the world from behind
    the screen when I look in from the
    And I wonder
    is there room for me back there
    or for you out here
    or maybe we can just
    around the boundaries and
    -- sjking, '97

    The page is about communication: programmers and users.

    "This research grew out of my proposal that an in-depth study of the
    relational differences and similarities of people in the roles of
    programmer and user would show that this often-perceived gap is less
    dichotomous than either side of the communication struggle may assume. I
    found, however, evidence that continues to suggest that there is indeed a
    strong difference between the ways of thinking, so the bulk of my analysis
    continued with this finding in mind. Robert Pirsig (Zen and the Art of
    Motorcycle Maintenance, 1974) draws distinctions between classical versus
    romantic ways of understanding, then bridges this gap with "quality" -- an
    identifiable, yet elusive concept and reality. This Action Research
    Practicum draws heavily upon both my own and Pirsig's philosophies of
    technology and quality and how differing world views color the
    understanding between different groups."

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