[unrev-II] us or US?

From: Bernard Vatant (bernard.vatant@mondeca.com)
Date: Fri Oct 26 2001 - 02:40:28 PDT

  • Next message: Jack Park: "Re: [unrev-II] us or US?"

    Hello all

    I have seen a bunch of messages on this list lately that I consider,
    from a non-US viewpoint, as really more US-centered rather than
    us-centered. And may I should remind you that when I say "us"
    here, the default meaning is "our living planet and humanity as an
    indivisible whole".

    I thought that conception of "us" was what unrevII was about.
    Now I wonder ... If I am on this forum, it's out of such global
    concern. As recent events should have shown clearly to whoever
    was not already aware of it, complex issues on our planet have
    both complex local/global causes and complex local/global

    Instead of more global thinking, there has been since September
    11 a tremendous focus on America, vulnerability of America etc ...
    various appeals to gather knowledge task force and engineers to
    defend it etc ...

    I would like to remind some points that are obvious to me, not an
    US citizen, and not even an American.

    1. As viewed from Europa, America is a continent, divided in two
    parts, North and South. An American is someone living on this
    continent, not an US citizen.

    2. US citizens represent less than 5% of mankind.

    3. A far greater proportion of mankind - let's say more than 50%,
    not to presume of any higher and more accurate number - has
    been living for centuries, and keeps on living no more no less since
    September 11, and will keep on living for ever if we don't radically
    change the way the world goes, under security conditions
    (meaning by that: health, natural disasters, warfare, poverty ...)
    compared to which US mean standards of life can be considered
    extraordinarily *safe* and *comfortable*, even on "after September
    11" standards.

    My humble opinion is that relevant knowledge tools for "our"
    problems should take into account first those "more than 50%"
    than those "less than 5%", and that responsible and sustainable
    efforts should focus the knowledge workers task force towards
    those priorities.

    If this opinion sounds shocking to this (mostly US ) community,
    I'm afraid maybe I should tiptoe out with my 0.02 Euros.



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