[unrev-II] Fading

From: Henry K van Eyken (vaneyken@sympatico.ca)
Date: Tue Nov 06 2001 - 18:49:10 PST

  • Next message: Peter Jones: "Re: Can IBIS be useful for individual/asynchronous collaboration? (was Re: [unrev-II] Visual stimuli & IBIS methodology)"

    I had hoped that my volunteering with the Bootstrap Institute and the
    creation of an e-journal would be of some value in the public domain. I
    prefer to be a doer rather than a philosopher. However, I find that I
    simply haven't the resources to be effective.

    I live in a small village, quite isolated from the intellectual world
    other than by a magazine subscription, occasional visits to the
    booksatore, and a noisy telephone line that calls for an hour to let
    10MB pass through. I am 74, getting tired more easily, have
    responsibilities toward others, and get not much in the way of spiritual
    uplift so much needed to continue.

    I determined for myself more than a dozen years ago that electronic
    augmentation of the neural mind is essential in a world moving at
    accellerating pace. Especially if we want to be more than a professional
    in some field, to be a participating citizen of sound, informed judgment
    as well. I had hoped that the e-journal - "Engelbart in Context" or
    "Fleabyte" or whatever the name - might do its tiny bit to help
    transform the insights of professionals into useable, effective tools
    for people at large and do so more quickly than in the usual time it
    takes for leading-edge advances to become useful to everybody. But one
    unaided, unsupported, and increasingly dispirited person just cannot do
    that. Not unless he is of exceptional quality - and even then ...

    I had hoped that some people would take a hard look at www.fleabyte.org
    and attempt to perceive what is done for what reason, and with so
    little. But instead, I find myself pretty much on the sideline, my
    efforts irrelevant. Maybe tomorrow, after a night of refreshing sleep,
    my slight depression will be gone and will I find the will and energy to
    carry on just a little longer - but let's face it, what are the
    prospects without actual, wholehearted support. I hate to give in to
    negative feelings, but I guess the time has come to simply fade away as
    we all must do sometime.


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