[unrev-II] Black Belt test -- Progress

From: Eric Armstrong (eric.armstrong@sun.com)
Date: Tue Nov 20 2001 - 14:25:09 PST

  • Next message: Eric Armstrong: "Re: [unrev-II] Black Belt test!"

    Hey, Henry. Sorry for putting the kibsosh on
    your last project. I was going through a rough
    patch. (Hearing that dozens of folks were
    actually developing something, after all the
    time and energy I put into trying to get something
    off the ground -- well, that didn't really help.)


    The first night of testing was really incredible.
    It was very demanding, but highly rewarding.
    I could barely move the next day, and on
    Monday I was still recovering! At the moment,
    I'm feeling pretty good.

    But it's not over yet, either. This weekend, I get to
    spend a couple of days fasting in the mountains.
    I get a bit of water, a cup of rice, and an apple.
    (Black belt testing at Jung SuWon most closely
    approximates master testing in most other
    martial arts.)

    Henry K van Eyken wrote:

    > I bow with great respect.
    > This comes from a former jiujitsu student who broke an arm when going
    > for a yellow belt against a kid 20 years his junior.

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