Re: defining what we mean by "collaboration"

From: Eric Armstrong (
Date: Mon Feb 12 2001 - 18:05:26 PST

Eugene Eric Kim wrote:
> Because "collaboration" implied different things for all of us, we
> became afflicted with picture-mismatch. We need to overcome this problem,
> not only so that we can build the system, but so that others can
> understand it as well. It would be an interesting exercise to hear
> people's descriptions of what their picture of the OHS is. Perhaps by
> observing and critiquing each other's pictures, we can come to consensus
> as to what we're trying to do.
A sound approach, and greatly needed.
As blind men with our hands on different parts of the elephant,
we need to merge our perceptions and place each in the proper
perspective, in order to produce the real picture...

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