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Re: new members; recent happenings
Hello everyone! (01)
I was asked by Eugene to join the list only recently, so I'm in the class of
newbies (although I've been on unrev-II for some time now). I was going to
write an introduction earlier, but then I've been really busy of late so the
message that I was part way through writing is still languishing in my
drafts folder.
So here's a new spur of the moment version, penned in a spare 5 mins at
lunch. (02)
I was a bit overwhelmed by Dr. Shum's 'full spectrum dominance' CV for this
arena so I'll make mine a rough one. (03)
I'm (a) Peter Jones (one of many possible Peter Joneses).
I've been around some. Started out in illustration, design, & print, moved
through product design and mech eng., rebuilt a few old motorbikes, did an
MA in analytic philosophy @ Univ. of Nottingham, UK, whilst working in DTP &
multimedia production, worked as a technical editor at Wrox Press (the big
red books about programming), then moved to internal consultancy on
XML-utilising software projects. Sat on the XTM committee for a while.
Stopped working for a bit owing to illness. Recently returned, and am now
working part-time (as I recover more) on projects with alphaXML Ltd.
Met Jack Park whilst on the XTM committee, and he introduced me to unrev-II,
whence I discovered the works of Doug E.
(Spooky to think that the mouse is a year older than myself.) (04)
While on the XTM committee I eventually came to the conclusion that there
were certain aspects of XTM that I didn't feel comfortable with, and I had a
bunch of ideas in my head that wouldn't let go, so when other circumstances
forced the issue I decided to try and offload those ideas so my brain could
get some rest.
The result is GSIX, now at v0.33.
"GSIX is essentially a uniform XML wrapping structure for relational
graph/net structures of many types, primarily developed to facilitate
knowledge base interchange using XML over HTTP. It is designed so that it
can be used as the basis of a knowledge base structure in its own right,
a model of a contextual logic, and also as a distributed knowledge base over
the Web." (05)
I'm reasonably happy with the core model, but I need to move to prototyping
to check things out more. I was thinking of experimenting with a slightly
tweaked JESS for that. Lack of spare time has put things on hold of late.
However, at the moment it really only constitutes a repository of certain
ideas, and I'm quite prepared to accept that it might be overhauled by more
concerted efforts elsewhere pretty soon. (06)
Some rough thoughts:
I think the starting point for this is the NODAL approach or similar. A
universal data structure that you can layer any number of views on top of. I
think these views will drop out in the wash when the data applications
become clearer; for example, a GSIX/TopicMap/RDF/SemanticWeb view of certain
data might be needed for certain applications. Then I think you want to turn
that into the basis of an OS application server, X11-fashion, driving the
windows and all, then make for secure interconnection over the web, P2P
Present search engines just strike me as brokers for P2P interaction at
present, without the possibility of collaboration when you get there. (07)
Peter (08)
PS Can someone (Eugene?) modify the list parameters so that when I hit the
reply button the new mail comes up with the address of the list and not the
sender? Thanks. (09)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Eugene Eric Kim" <eekim@eekim.com>
To: <ohs-lc@bootstrap.org>
Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2001 9:25 AM
Subject: new members; recent happenings (010)
> Hi all,
> Lots of news to report. First, several people have recently joined our
> group: Simon Buckingham Shum, Alex Shapiro, Gil Regev, Peter Jones, and G.
> Ken Holman. Stephen Danic will be joining us soon. Simon's already sent
> an introduction, and the others should be sending intros soon as well.
> (Hint, hint. :-)
> Second, it's been a while, and it would be great to hear from the old
> fogies on the list. Drop an e-mail to the list, and let us know what
> you're up to and the status of your projects.
> Third, this group had a stated expiration of six months or sooner. It
> looks like it's going to be sooner, as the Bootstrap Alliance will most
> likely be forming an official group based heavily on the Launch Community
> with official responsibility for the OHS's specifications. I'll post more
> on this soon.
> In the meantime, I encourage you discuss your OHS-related projects on this
> list and any thoughts or questions you have about the OHS.
> More soon.
> -Eugene
> --
> +=== Eugene Eric Kim ===== eekim@eekim.com ===== http://www.eekim.com/
> | "Writer's block is a fancy term made up by whiners so they
> +===== can have an excuse to drink alcohol." --Steve Martin
> (011)