Historic Events
Following are the most celebrated events in which Doug Engelbart and/or key members of his team described his seminal work in detail. See also our Videography and Awards pages, as well as the comprehensive Engelbart Archive Collection. To learn more about Doug's message to the future, see the Engelbart Academy.
Recent Anniversaries
We most recently celebrated:
1968 Demo & Anniversary Events
1968 "Mother of All Demos"
In 1968 Doug Engelbart "wowed" a packed audience at the Fall Joint Computer Conference in San Francisco, CA, with a live demonstation of his research, which later became known as the "Mother of All Demos". Visit our 1968 Demo Website to experience this historic event with the story, archive video footage and photos, "behind the scenes" retrospectives, and more.
1998 30th Anniversary Event:
"Engelbart's Unfinished Revolution"
Marking the 30th anniversary of Doug's 1968 demo, a special day long public symposium held at Stanford University on December 9th, 1998 to celebrate and reflect upon Doug Engelbart's
vision of computing as put forth in his now famous 1968 demo (special thanks to Paul Saffo/Institute for the Future and the Stanford Libraries as well as
all the event sponsors for making this a most magical commemorative event). See our 30th Anniversary Event site with photos and links, watch
the sessions online.
2008 40th Anniversary Event:
"Engelbart and the Dawn of Interactive Computing"
Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of Doug's 1968 Demo. A special commemorative public event hosted by SRI International at Stanford University on December 9th, 2008 to celebrate and reflect upon Doug Engelbart's
vision for the future, and the brilliant breakthrough innovations that came pouring out of his SRI lab in the 1960s and '70s. See our 40th Anniversary Event site for details and to watch the sessions online.
2018 50th Anniversary Event:
"Celebrating the Demo @50"
Events were held on three continents during the month of December, 2018, to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Doug's 1968 Demo. These included a special commemorative public event hosted by the Computer History Museum with sponsors Logitech and SRI International on the evening of December 12th, 2018, and several day long celebrations on the day of December 9th in Silicon Valley, London, and Japan. See our 50th Anniversary Events website for details and to watch the sessions online.
Augmenting Human Intellect
Doug's foundational study that produced essentially his epic manifesto, Augmenting Human Intellect: A Conceptual Framework, 1962, the driving vision behind his life's work. Check out our Field Guide to Augmenting Human Intellect for details.
1968 Demo: Watch Doug presenting Framework Goals, Strategy, Paradigm
The legendary 1968 demo was a demonstration of how Doug and his team were applying his Framework for augmenting human intellect. During the demo he summarized key elements of his Framework in the goals of his research program, strategic approach, and paradigm for intellect-enhancing technology. Watch these Framework snippets from the demo. To learn more, visit our Gallery of Epic Firsts for details, and our 1968 Demo Website for more on the demo itself.
1986 Lecture:
"The Augmented Knowledge Workshop"
Doug Engelbart's presentation at the ACM Conference on the History of the Personal Workstation (itself an iconic event), Jan 9, 1986, detailing the evolutionary development of his seminal work -- from his driving vision and conceptual framework, to his 1968 demo and beyond, including where we go from here. Serves as both an historical record and call to action, and excellent articulation of the "Unfinished Revolution" showcased above. See our Augmented Knowledge Workshop site for details and to watch online.
1997 Symposium:
"Augmenting Human Intellect: 35 Years Later"
A special commemorative event marking the 35th anniversary of Doug Engelbart's foundational 1962 'manifesto' titled Augmenting Human Intellect: A Conceptual Framework, which informed and drove his life's work. Speaking on the vision, key implementations, and what is yet to be accomplished,
are Doug and his chief architects Jeff Rulifson, Bill English, Charles Irby, Doug Engelbart, with introductory remarks by Peter Nurske. Browse our Event Website for details and to watch the sessions online.
Framework Expedition:
"Augmenting Human Intellect: A Conceptual Framework"
Professor Gardner Campbell of Virginia Commonwealth University, foremost Engelbart scholar and practitioner, has studied Doug's foundational 1962 thinkpiece Augmenting Human Intellect: A Conceptual Framework in depth.
Watch Dr. Campbell's 2018 lecture, presented at the Engelbart Symposium commemorating the 50th Anniversary of Doug's great Demo. The following spring semester, Dr. Campbell conducted an online 'expedition' of study and annotation of the document; see his Framework project website, watch his welcoming conversation with Christina Engelbart, and browse our companion Field Guide to Doug's 1962 Framework document.
Alan Kay's Keynote:
"Why we need to understand what Doug Engelbart was trying to do" (30 min.)
Alan Kay's keynote presented at IT Day Japan 25•50 celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Doug's legendary demo across Japan. In his talk, Alan dives deep into five key concepts in Engelbart's Augmenting Human Intellect: A Conceptual Framework. Watch full keynote
"Why we need to understand what Doug Engelbart was trying to do" (30 min.), or Highlights:
1968 Demo - Key Takeaways
| Today?
| Why Engelbart?
| Systems Thinking to Help Us Think
| Big Idea. See also his annotated Slides from the presentation.
More Anniversaries
Twin Anniversaries:
"Demo Sequel" and "Networked Computing"
2019 marked the 50th Anniversary of TWO great milestones in Doug's work, both launched in October 1969. We celebrate this anniversary online each October
with historic footage, stories, memorabilia, fun facts, and more:
In-Depth Management Seminars
Throughout the 1990s and early 2000s, Doug Engelbart presented numerous lectures, workshops, and management seminars, many of which are showcased in our online Engelbart Academy. Following are two of his more epic seminar intensives.
2000 Colloquium:
"An In-Depth Look at The Unfinished Revolution"
Doug Engelbart's ten-week colloquium at Stanford University provided an unprecedented opportunity
to present his motivation and vision in the context
of the professional views of 30-plus guest speakers
working the frontiers of society,
technology, business, and urgent concerns of people
around the world. Nicknamed Unrev-II, it culminated in a stepped-up
effort to bring the open hyperdocument system (OHS) to
Special thanks to Marcelo Hoffmann and Peter Yim, to the folks at Stanford, and to all our sponsors and speakers making this a great success. Visit the Colloquium website for details, and to watch the sessions online.
1992 Bootstrap Seminar:
"Bootstrapping Organizations into the 21st Century"
Doug Engelbart and Christina Engelbart produced numerous half day, all day, and three day management seminars and workshops from 1990-1998 at Stanford University and surrounding venues, as well as in Washington DC and Tokyo. Visit the March 1992 Bootstrap Seminar Event Website for details and to watch the sessions online.
Browse our interactive Engelbart Academy for more (it's free!)
Other Key Events
2006 Software Project: HyperScope 1.0 Release Party
Evening presentation of the HyperScope 1.0 software, held in the conference room at SRI occupying the space where his research lab was housed in the 1960s and '70s, with after party held at the Oasis in Menlo Park, where his research team would often convene in the old days. See HyperScope event page for links to event announcement, photos, and video of the event, See also our HyperScope 1.0 R&D Project archives, as well as About HyperScope 2.0 for latest update. [Photo courtesy Peter Kaminski]