Bootstrap "Paradigm Map" 0A paradigm is a mindset that shapes how we see the world. A paradigm that is outmoded or slow to change can seriously limit our perception of what's possible and how to proceed. For example, most organizations underestimate the rate and scale of accelerating change. Doug Engelbart recognized that one of the biggest impediments for organizations getting to the future is inadequate paradigm shifting. So he created the Bootstrap "Paradigm Map" to identify the shifts in thinking that will be needed for organizations and society at large to fully realize their potential in the midst of accelerating change. Each tile on the map represents a paradigm shift. See below to Watch Doug Presenting. Note the "Paradigm Map" in his slidedeck is interactive – clicking on a tile elicits either highlights, a summary, or detail on that topic. Since the Strategy depicted is relational, not linear, it helps to watch Doug presenting in a variety of contexts for the interplay of concepts to become clear -- browse the Engelbart Academy for more. Also below you can access the latest version of the Slidedeck. Watch Doug Presenting 2Below are two examples of Doug presenting elements of the Bootstrap "Paradigm Map" interactively. Each video is queued up to begin with the Overview. Visit the Engelbart Academy for a complete selection of "Paradigm Map" presentations under Lectures & Management Seminars (including these same two videos), Tech Talks, and Detailed Review, plus additional sections containing a variety of 'off the map' presentations. Examples: Just the Highlights 2a
Visit the Engelbart Academy for the full experience Slides 3View or print the Bootstrap "Paradigm Map" slides:
How to Navigate: Travel once around the map to traverse the vision highlights, and again to see vision and strategy in greater detail. Click right-arrow to advance through the slideshow. There are four parts to the presentation: Map Genesis 4Doug and Christina Engelbart are eternally grateful to David Gendron of Trillium Business Learning, Inc. who conceived, designed and produced this dynamic presentation in the early 1990s as a gift to Doug. Doug used this presentation format in most of his lectures and workshops since 1992. Originally programmed in Macromedia Director, it was later migrated to PowerPoint. As a tribute to Doug on his 80th birthday, David created this new rendition of the paradigm map. The key concepts in this map were conceived by Doug in the 1950s and 1960s, and subsequently iterated and refined through the 1990s. Further Inquiry 5