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Coming Soon:
The Engelbart Challenge 0

image of a brilliant world
Creating a brilliant world - one project, team, or organi­za­tion at a time

The purpose of the Engelbart Challenge is to inspire organi­za­tions to begin explor­ing how to boost Collective IQ in their teams and initia­tives, and improve how they improve, while helping others to do the same. Why? Because it makes good business sense -- brilliant initia­tives yield more brilliant out­comes, leading to more brilliant organi­za­tions across society, and ultimately a more brilliant world.

Everyone who wants to be part of the solution is encouraged to participate. You can try for the Engelbart Challenge Award, or submit a starter project for Special Recognition in one of our Mini Challenges. You can do it as a school project, non-profit initiative, startup or company, or you can be a supporter and cheer them all on. There will be three categories to choose from: the Organizational Challenge, the Technical Challenge, and Research Topics. So there is something for everyone.

Regardless of your chosen category, or level of involvement, everyone will start with the same first step: to describe for your team or organization "How we are already meeting (parts of) the Engelbart Challenge". This wins you a Mini Challenge Special Recognition. And for those going for the Grand Challenge, it sets the stage for your chosen project moving forward. Learn more....

You can get started now. Even before the Challenge is officially announced, you can sign up for newsletters, join the discussion, and begin thinking about your Mini Challenge project (see Start Here at right).

This Challenge is offered in honor of Douglas Engelbart (1925-2013), whose seminal pioneering work and timeless strategic vision for the future laid the foundation for today's organizations and societies to make 'a brilliant world' an achievable reality.

Watch Doug share his vision - past, present and future
Browse the Engelbart Academy for more

About the Doug Engelbart Institute

The Doug Engelbart Institute was founded by Doug Engelbart with daughter Christina Engelbart to further his lifelong career goal of boosting our collective capability to solve important problems intelligently, for which he coined the term Collective IQ.

We recognize that the opportunities, problems, and challenges we face – whether business, social, political, economic, environment – are increasing exponentially on a global scale, so finding exponentially more powerful ways to collectively address important challenges is critical;

This is both a dire threat and a golden opportunity – companies, initiatives, regions, nations that kick into gear on this soonest will likely surpass those that don't in leaps and bounds.

The sooner we reach critical mass as a planet, the better off we all are, and thus there is tremendous value in sharing best practices, and in addressing this collectively as a Grand Challenge.

Our mission is to accelerate progress toward this goal through broad-based collaboration, education, outreach, consulting, and hands on exploratory implementations. See Doug's call to action in Augmenting Society's Collective IQ and his Bootstrap "Paradigm Map", with practical pointers and toolkits on our Bootstrapping Innovation resources page.

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