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[ba-unrev-talk] ExtremWeb -- p2p grid computing

http://www.lri.fr/~fedak/XtremWeb/introduction.php3    (01)

Open source grid computing.    (02)

I mention this here because I am possessed with notions of finding a way to 
index, ontologize, and yadayadayada..the entire Web, at least those 
portions of interest to me and to others who want to play in the same sandbox.    (03)

Yup.  I know the drill..."Can't be done."  "Not worth the effort."  "Get a 
life!" and so forth.    (04)

So what!    (05)

Imagine a way to share cpu cycles from idle machines all over the world, 
doing keyword searches, then using greenstone to mirror, index, and 
ontologize the sites found.    (06)

Go figure...
Jack    (07)