[ba-ohs-talk] Freezope learning environments
"Fle3 is a web-based learning environment. To be more specific Fle3 is a
server software for computer supported collaborative learning (CSCL).
With the Fle3 Knowledge Building Tool groups may carry out knowledge
building dialogues, theory building and debates by storing their
thoughts into a shared database. In the knowledge building groups may
use knowledge types (also called thinking types) to scaffold and
structure their dialogues.
Fle3 WebTops can be used by teachers and students to store different
items (documents, files, links, knowledge building notes) related to
their studies, organize them to folders and share them with others. The
items in the WebTops can be called learning objects - if you wish.
For teachers and administrators Fle3 offers tools to manage users and
courses. The administrator may also export and import the content of the
Fle3 database in XML format (compatible with the Educational Modelling
Language - EML).
Fle3 is Open Source and Free Software released under GNU the General
Public Licence (GPL). The licence is protecting your freedom to use,
modify and distribute Fle3. (01)
Fle3 is a Zope product, written in Python. Zope is the leading Open
Source application server. Zope and Fle3 run on almost all Operating
Systems (Linux, MacOS X, *BSD, etc.) and Microsoft Windows. " (02)
Peter Jones (03)