[ba-unrev-talk] FW: ICADL call for short papers - July 25 deadline
Hello all, (01)
As part of our Digital Library focus, we'll be submitting a short paper
on what we're up to at the Bootstrap Alliance at the December 2002
conference in Singapore. (02)
In case others are interested, I've put the details of the conference
below, including the call for papers. (the call was sent out to the US
Digital Library initiative people http://www.dli2.nsf.gov/ (03)
Mei Lin (04)
>Hi! As one of the program co-chairs for ICADL 2002, the International
>Conference on Asian Digital Libraries,
>I invite you to submit a short paper proposal by 25 July. There will
>poster proposals accepted even after that, but a short paper seems to
>the right way to express the latest results of Digital Library
Initiative projects
>The conf. is just before the middle of Dec. in Singapore.
>Please let Ee Peng or me know if there are any questions.
>Thank you for your time and interest, regards, Ed
>Professor Edward A. Fox, Dept. of CS, 660 McBryde Hall
>Virginia Tech, M/C 0106, Blacksburg, VA 24061 USA
fox@vt.edu; http://fox.cs.vt.edu (05)